Tuesday, November 1, 2011

It's a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood!

The best moment of Halloween this year was randomly running into Lady Elaine Fairchild at the West Hollywood Halloween Carnival! 
Click the picture to enlarge

Beaker can NOT believe this reunion is happening.


Sunday, October 30, 2011

Halloween 2011: King Friday and X the Owl!

Finally Finished! Let me know what you guys think!
King Friday and X the Owl

This used to be a Snuggie!


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Retro Homemade Halloween Costume of the Year!

Oh HEY! You probably came here looking for Angry Birds Costumes. That's cool. There's a whole gallery of them HERE (for your viewing pleasure).

But WAIT! What if you're one of the tens of people who want to know what we're going to be for Halloween THIS year?!? Surely there are at least 10 of you, right? Well ladies and gentlemen, today is your lucky day! Here are the very first pictures of our super-fantastic homemade Halloween costumes for 2011!

Here's the most recent picture of our costumes. I haven't made a ton of progress on King Friday, but I managed to put X the Owl's head together in about a day. Not too shabby! 

King Friday and X the Owl

"It's Friday" - Rebecca Black
Ever since we finished our Angry Birds costumes last year, people have been asking "How are you ever going to top this?" I'm not going to lie, I don't think we ever will. I mean seriously...those costumes got us on the front page of the New York Times, a profile in a magazine in Hong Kong, and an appearance on the Logo NewNowNext Awards where we had the surreal experience of having celebrities come up to US to see if we would take a picture with them. Just thinking about that blows my mind. Aaaaaaanyway, enough with the backstory! This year we decided to try something a little different and go OLD SCHOOL with our costumes. We finally settled on King Friday and X the Owl from Mr. Rogers Neighborhood (or, more specifically, the Neighborhood of Make Believe). The picture above is what I've managed to come up with so far for King Friday. There's still a LOT of work to be done, and I'm not super happy with the eyes yet (they're not exactly King Friday-esque), but I think we're off to a good start! Let me know what you think! I'll be updating this post with more pictures soon, so check back!


Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Most Awesome Angry Birds Avatar EVER!

Check out this AMAAAAAAAZING custom avatar Devon (the Red Bird) had made for our 2-Year Anniversary:

Click HERE to go to the artist's Etsy Store, and click HERE to go to his Tumblr Blog!

Here's the original photo he was working with:
Seriously though, how cool is that? HOW COOL?!?? (A: The Coolest)


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Angry Bird Costumes: International Edition!

Oh HEY! Guess who ended up in a travel magazine in Hong Kong?!? WE DID! Ch-ch-ch-check it out:

Click the pictures for bigger versions


Thursday, January 13, 2011

Angry Birds Costume Instructions!!!

I'm not sure why I didn't do this earlier, but here are the instructions for how I made the awesome Angry Birds costumes!

Here are the basics:

First, we went to JoAnn's Fabrics (or any fabric/craft store) to find the right fabric. I decided on that stretchy, fuzzy material. I can't remember what it's called, but it's vaguely like what they would make a snuggie out of. I believe I got 4 yards per costume (which is probably too much, but it was only like $4/yard). I also got 4 yards of the cheapest white muslin fabric (or you can use a sheet, which is what I did for mine) for the inside. I also grabbed a bunch of those 8 1/2 x 11 sheets of felt in the appropriate colors to make the face and some white snuggy-like fabric for the white-belly part at the bottom. OK, so I folded the fabric in half and sort of free-handed the shape of the bird and cut it out so there were 2 identical pieces (for the front and back), then I did the same thing to the muslin/sheets. After that I stitched one of the sides to one of the pieces of muslin, leaving an opening for stuffing. THEN, on the side attached to the muslin, I cut out a face whole (make it smaller than you think it should be....I traced around a cereal bowl) and stiched the fabric and the muslin together all around the face whole. I did the same thing for the arms, which are really just slits about 7 or 8 inches long. THEN I sewed the fabric/muslin side to the other piece of fabric and then STUFFED the front part with that Poly-Fil pillow stuffing material and sewed the rest of the muslin/fabric side closed. SO, the whole thing is basically a pillow on the front stiched to another piece of fabric on the back. I also stiched the face on, but you could probably use a glue gun or fabric glue if it's easier

So that's it! Email me if you need further clarification or had other questions: theclockblog@gmail.com
